It all began with a yellow hoodie and the purchase of a new iPhone 11.
At the time, Lindsey was working at the Fairmont Ave. US Cellular, a job she absolutely hated. She had just finished dealing with one of her most difficult regular customers when she noticed a handsome man in a bright yellow hoodie. They exchanged a brief look of understanding, and while Lindsey felt something special in that moment, she brushed it off as nothing more than a fleeting encounter with a cute guy that likely wouldn't lead to anything.
She continued with her work, finishing up the transaction with the regular before helping James and his father, Jim, with the iPhone purchase. It took about 45 minutes, and they chatted pleasantly throughout the process. Afterward, she said her goodbyes, marking it as just another nice customer interaction, nothing more.
Little did she know, that wouldn’t be the last time she would see James. Over the next couple of weeks, their paths crossed several more times in Fairmont and Morgantown. One night, while out club-hopping in Morgantown with friends, she spotted him again wearing the same yellow hoodie—at a gas station (where she ducked down to avoid him), at a bar (where she hid behind a stranger), and finally, at a club (where she nearly jumped into a trashcan to escape his notice after being shoved in his direction by a knowing friend). In her mind, the last thing she wanted was for him to think she was stalking him. She quickly dismissed the encounters, convinced they were just coincidences.
But then, about two weeks later, Lindsey was following up on the iPhone purchase. As part of her routine, she looked up the account holder’s name on Facebook to make the process easier. She expected to see Jim Stevens’ profile, but instead, it was James who appeared on her screen. That’s when she finally shared the strange string of coincidences with her friends, who convinced her to message him on Facebook. (Somehow cold messaging someone on facebook was less stalker-ish than casually bumping into them - makes total sense)
Almost immediately, she regretted it. Embarrassment set in, and she prepared for the inevitable rejection. In an attempt to distract herself, she opened Tinder, absentmindedly swiping through profiles. And who did she spot there? James Stevens. With a shrug and a sigh, she swiped right. Turns out, he had swiped right too, and they matched. From there, their conversation blossomed, and soon after, they made plans to hang out at Lindsey’s rental.
James showed up, dressed to impress, in a black hoodie and leather jacket that he was convinced made him look cool. He walked up the treacherous steps of Lindsey’s rental and knocked. She came to the door, inviting him in, and escorting him to her section of the house; the basement. He greeted her cat, Max, and relaxed on a sunken couch while she lounged on a large beanbag. They made small talk, put on a horror movie or two in the background while the two of them got to know each other. James supplied the beverages (Mike’s Hard Lemonade) while Lindsey purchased food (a Papa John’s pizza). Little did Lindsey know that a few months ago James had sworn off Papa John’s pizza; he had eaten it every weekend for four years straight and it caused his stomach to twist in knots. But he wasn’t going to make that her problem. So he had a slice or two, kept on with conversation, and only spent 20 minutes in her bathroom that evening afterwards.
They wished each other goodnight and went on their ways afterwards, both unsure of when they’d see each other again. A week later Lindsey invited James over once more to hang out, and James agreed they should see each other again, but had something to say. James made his way over, got comfortable downstairs, and started talking to Lindsey the same as before: but this time he wanted to make his intentions known. “I just don’t think I find you attractive,” he mustered up the courage to say. Lindsey, while a touch hurt, decided that while there would likely not be a romantic relationship in the future, she would rather be friends than nothing at this point. “That’s okay, we can still hang out,” Lindsey replied, and James was relieved he could still remain friends with this wonderful and interesting new person he had met.
Or so he thought. James and Lindsey kept in-touch, messaging each other every day, and spending time watching movies James was too scared to watch alone, shows he would have never tried without her, and bonding over shared series they were interested in. Hanging out a few times a month turned into every other weekend, and then every week, and sometimes twice in the same week. James was starting to regret his earlier declaration after months of talking, at least until the weekend of Valentine’s Day. He had on multiple occasions looked into her eyes and wanted to lean forward and kiss her, but worried about sending mixed signals. But on that evening, just as he was leaving he turned around to hug Lindsey as he went out into the night. And as they both stood on that cold stoop he held her chin up and kissed her.
In the following weeks there were plenty of changes in their lives. Lindsey had moved to Morgantown after sudden issues with the place she was renting, James was looking to get a new job in Morgantown while also getting his Master’s Degree, and the two of them were on their first few official dates. After the second Lindsey joking asked something to the effect of, “does that mean you’re my boyfriend,” and James smugly replied, “I think we should go on one more date.” After that third date he once again found himself nervously trying to make his feelings clear to Lindsey and stumbled upon, “do you wanna be my girlfriend… or whatever?” She laughed, and said yes.
So they were officially together, spending Easter together with leftovers from James’ parents, celebrating their two month anniversary/Lindsey’s birthday with Jim’s pasta recipe and a cake designed by James. They were both happier than they had been in years, and had each other to thank for it. Lindsey suggested they do a silly little couple’s quiz, a “20 Questions to Fall in Love to.” They were each answering earnestly, while acknowledging the hilarity of some of these vulnerable answers. At some point while answering a question Lindsey found herself stumbling over her words saying, “I love you, I mean I love-” James’s eyes lit up, he grabbed her hands, “no, it’s okay. I’ve been meaning to say it, I’ve wanted to say it, I LOVE YOU LINDSEY!” They repeated their affirmations to one another, giggling, kissing, and holding each other close. They had nothing to be embarrassed about, and from that point on they were unstoppable.